Critical Applications - Smoke Detector
Smoke detectors consist of three basic parts – a smoke sensor, a deafening horn, and a smoke detector battery essential to the smoke detector’s ability to save lives. Smoke detector batteries absolutely must be of the highest quality to provide the security we’ve all grown to depend on from smoke detectors.
A smoke detector battery must be fresh…
A smoke detector battery must have quality components…
A smoke detector battery must have been stored properly before installation…
When you install smoke detector batteries, can you rely on them completely? If you buy smoke detector batteries from Medic Batteries you can!
Medic Batteries’ smoke detector batteries are 100% guaranteed to be the highest quality batteries available at reasonable, bulk prices. Our smoke detector batteries are economically packaged, have been stored properly, arrive to us fresh from factories in the USA, and are shipped to you, in most cases, immediately after we receive the smoke detector battery order. Our customer service lines are open from 9AM to 8PM every day to accommodate your smoke detector battery needs.
Smoke detectors AND smoke detector batteries save lives! Why take a chance? Choose Medic Batteries!